Everything you need to know about successful demand gen… that fits in a blog.

Published on November 2, 2023 | Author: Digitalzone

Today's most successful B2B marketers have cracked the code for generating ROI with demand generation techniques 

In this article, we're going to explore six winning tactics that set these marketers apart.  

Just so we're all on the same page, let's quickly define "Demand Generation". 

In a nutshell, demand generation is: 

Marketing that involves generating interest in a product or service among a desired audience, with the goal of converting high-quality leads (HQLs) into new loyal customers.  

According to Forbes, "75% of B2B buyers search social media to learn about products and services before making a purchase." This new audience behavior is challenging modern marketers to take a proactive approach to brand and demand, employing many if not all of the tactics we're about to discuss. 

Now then, on to what you're here for: 

6 winning demand generation tactics of successful B2B marketers:

1. Data, take the wheel.

Kneel before your king! 

Data-driven demand generation campaigns are large and in charge these days. 

Today's successful B2B marketers leverage advanced data analytics to gain valuable insights into their target audience. By learning customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, the data empowers them to create hyper-personalized content and brand strategies that resonate.  

Oh, and it majorly influences this next point… 

2. Educate, inform, & inspire.

The world is inundated with content.  

Most of it is dumb. (Looking for exmaples? Check your SPAM folder.) 

Dumb as in: the marketing message is dumbed-down in the hopes of appealing to anyone and everyone. Which usually means it's wasted. 

Modern consumers are confronted by thousands of these irrelevant ads every day, making it harder for sellers to get through to the right customers when it matters.  

Now, historically, marketers tend to think we can only choose between one of two content strategies: quality or quantity.  

"Should I invest in reach?  

Or rather invest in craftsmanship?" 

Given the sophistication of today's consumer audiences, capturing their attention requires a change in thinking. The winning strategy is a combination of the two-a larger quantity of high-quality content. Successful marketers don't flood the market with rubbish ads and cross their fingers and hope for the best.  

No- hope is not a strategy.  

The real trick to winning the content game is to deliver highy-personalized and hyper-relevant content to an aduence of one. Creating content that educates, informs, and engages your audience in a one-to-one experience is no longer aspirational; it's essential 

Remember that data we mentioned up in #1? This is where it really comes into play. The insights available in your consumer data can help you hone-in on the right audience at the right time with the your content.  

Data doesn't just provide runway for your content; it builds the airport, fuels the jets, and even flies the plane.

3. All the places all the time.

Omnichannel campaigns are an essential element of a holistic demand generation strategy.  

Successful marketers understand the significance of this approach. They integrate various platforms-from social media and email marketing to webinars and podcasts-to reach their audience where they are.  

According to Omnisend, multi-channel campaigns generate an 18.69% engagement rate. When you compare this to single-channel's 5.4%, it results in an increased engagement rate of more than 300%. 

4. Personalization.

According to researchers at McKinsey,

"Seventy-seven percent of companies using direct one-to-one personalization observed an increase in market share." 

Automation tools and personalization engines are the secret weapons of successful B2B marketers. They empower businesses to scale their marketing efforts while delivering tailored and highly relevant content to targeted prospects.  

These tools streamline repetitive tasks, like lead nurturing and email campaigns, allowing marketers to focus on strategic initiatives. Simultaneously, personalization engines harness data-driven insights to provide prospects with customized experiences, addressing their unique pain points and needs in an individual context. Not only does this foster a stronger connection with potential clients, it also significantly increases conversion rates, ultimately driving higher ROI in B2B demand generation. 

5. Mmm, ABM.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a potent strategy for B2B marketers seeking to nurture customer relationships, engage high-value prospects, and craft personalized experiences.  

ABM flips the traditional marketing funnel by targeting specific accounts, often those with the greatest potential for long-term partnerships, and tailors content and interactions to resonate with their unique needs and pain points. By focusing resources on these high-value accounts, marketers can cut through the noise, making a more significant impact and fostering a sense of exclusivity. ABM also enables personalization at scale, utilizing data-driven insights to provide prospects with content and solutions that directly address their challenges. This results in a deeper level of engagement and trust. 

6. Masters of Measurement:

Deploying the right measurement tools isn't just about the number of leads generated.  

It's the quality of those leads, their journey through the sales funnel, and the revenue they provide that serve as the ultimate truth about the success of your marketing efforts.

Savvy marketers utilize a combination of key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLV). These metrics provide a holistic view of the ROI puzzle. In the spirit of continuous improvement, A/B testing and data analysis become essential components of the modern marketer's culture. 

Key Takeaways / TL;DR

  1. Data-Driven Insights: Modern B2B marketers leverage advanced data analytics to gain invaluable insights into their audience, enabling hyper-personalized content and strategies. 
  2. Quality AND Quantity: Crafting a balance between quality and quantity of content is the key to standing out in an oversaturated market.  
  3. Omnichannel Engagement: Successful marketers embrace omnichannel campaigns. 
  4. Personalization Tools: Automation and personalization engines are the secret weapons for scaling marketing efforts.  
  5. Win with ABM: Target high-value prospects with tailored content, fostering exclusivity and trust through data-driven insights. 
  6. Effective Measurement: Savvy marketers focus on KPIs like conversion rates, CAC, and CLV to assess the quality and impact of leads, making data analysis and A/B testing essential in the pursuit of continuous improvement. 

Beyond Ordinary: A Modern Perspective on B2B Demand Generation

The B2B market has evolved over the past few years. As marketers, we're expected to make every dollar work harder and have reporting that proves the impact of every decision. In our ebook, we outline how to create brand experiences that meet the new B2B buyer across every digital touchpoint.